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Swimming Pool Waterfalls | www.fsland.com

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Swimming Pool Waterfalls | www.fsland.com

Thanks to 60 degree weather in February we were able to complete this waterfall around our customers swimming pool in Yardley, PA. This is a Fiberglass inground swimming pool installed towards the end of the 2011 season. We were able to get the stamped concrete completed around the pool last year and the fence was installed as well. Another successful swimming pool project by FS Landscaping Contractors, Inc.. We’ll have to wait till Spring to fire this waterfall up. Stay tuned…

6 simple Steps to building the perfect swimming pool waterfall:

1. Excavate a proper footing below the frost line and pour with concrete. Be sure to pour concrete where all the boulders that are part of the waterfall are resting on the footing. Bring your 1 1/2″ or 2″ pipe to the area that you are building the waterfall. Be sure to leave enough slack for stacking to the height of the completed level. We prefer to use a 2″ plumbing line with at least a 2HP variable speed pump. This will allow you to run your waterfall at different speeds and pressures.

2. Stack boulders accordingly or per design using cement joints between each rock and pointed with heavy pressure to secure into place and protect the integrity of he cement joints. Be sure to pull the plumbing line up as you are stacking and bury it into the rocks.

3. Set up rocks for main spillway rock and be sure to have a level area that will cover the bottom of the particular spillway rock that you have chosen.

4. Set your spillway rock. Be sure that this rock is perfectly level. Water does not lie and will always run level. This is the most important part to building a successfull waterfall.

5. Stack the remaining rocks up to the spillway rock and overlap the spillway rock 3″-6″ high on 3 sides except the front to force all the water back into the pool. Be sure that your pipe is placed inside this area. You may now cut your pipe flush pointing straight up.  Do not point the pipe at the water. This will cause your water to flow in a stream line and will not roll off the spillway properly.

6. Last but not least…Install a cap rock, typically a flatter style rock or “Turtle Shell” rock as we call it, on top of the overlapping rocks. This rock needs to cover all 3 sides and be cemented in to trap the water. This is design for the water to shoot out of the pipe and hit the bottom of this rock and force the water to spill over the spillway rock naturally.

That is how you build a custom swimming pool waterfall. Oh! I forgot… Your gonna need some art skills and some muscles to pull this off as well. Or you can contact us at www.fsland.com or 215-491-1116 and we can come out and design and build one for you.

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