Pool Houses and Pavilions | New Jersey & Pennsylvania
Pool Houses & Pavilions make for a perfect poolside structure.
Years ago if you mentioned pool houses and pavilions, you might’ve been talking about a very rich family. It is quite easy to consider palatial estates and luxury dwellings as the only residences for which these installations would fit. The truth is that a pool house can be erected quite easily near your backyard pool. The process is simple when you have a company that knows how to do it properly and within budget. There is a wide range of styles and models to choose from.
Looking seriously at pool houses and pavilions.
We will not mince words here: not just everyone can afford to have someone build them a pool house or pavilion. However, for those that can do afford it—and keep in mind that having a pool house is still considered a luxury in these parts—having a pool pavilion can actually give you some ideas as to how to use and maximize the limited space you have in your home. A pavilion can be effectively constructed with the goal in mind of giving a distorted (in a good way, of course) sense of a larger space in such a limited area.

There are actually fixed “patterns” that one can use when trying to build your very own pool pavilion. For one, it is already considered a given that most pool house ideas should at least start with a white base in the majority of your pieces, only to be suitably drawn out by the contrasting dark colors that you may carefully scatter around the area. In this way, no matter how wide or narrow the space of your patio is, this sense of “purity” can actually have a calming effect on the eyes of one who happens to wander in (or out, depending on how you want it) the patio.
On the other hand, if you want to be stylishly modern, then you can always go with the usual mix and match combinations that all contemporary fashion designers seem to be so adept at. For example, a striped rug which you may have positioned at the center can serve as the “centrepiece” in which it can be surrounded by all the relative pieces that can exude a sense of “brightness”, which may either, be those coming from simple base colors or just a simple pattern to base your other pieces around.
So, why should you choose to invest in a pool house then? it may not be readily apparent, but it really is quite simple: it can be used as a recreation space when there are no other “spaces” left to hold a, say, party. If you have noticed majority of the parties that are being held inside some houses, having the sight of a pool inside a house can cause most guests to gush at how in the world the owner can afford to build a pool inside his or her house. Know what else would knock their socks off? Yup, a pool pavilion can do the trick.
Think about this for a sec: you just can’t expect everyone to know everyone if everyone of your guests (yes, this may be redundant, but you get the point) is holed up into their little places inside your house. Bringing them outside your house—ergo, within the vicinity of your pool—should makes sense if you want your little soiree to be a smashing success. And yes, having an open pool pavilion can help you achieve that. See, it’s a sensible investment, after all.
Pool House Ideas
A swimming pool is, of course, made for swimming. However, as we have just proven with the points we had made in the previous section, a pool can be the primary social hub of your whole household… provided that you know where to place some things in their “proper” place.
Yes, we do understand that not everyone can be an interior (or is that pool-terior?) designer. It’s a good thing that we’re here then! For starters, here’s what you need to know about every pool pavilion area: not only will you need a dressing room for the ladies (and the men and the kids, of course) to change into their summer best, you should also have the foresight to situate a convenient shower near or outside the pool and not inside your house; otherwise, you will have to content yourself with going after the wet mess they have made. And before we forget, you may also have to place some well-situated seats or stools, a mini-kitchen (or heck, even a grill can do) and, sure enough, you may have to go the whole mile and build a fireplace while you’re around it.
Okay, are those enough pool house ideas for now? Well… not quite. But that doesn’t mean we’ll just leave you out in the muck! If it’s ideas you want, it’s ideas you’ll be getting! And here are some of the best of ‘em:
- Wet/Dry Bar
What kind of party doesn’t have a bar to begin with? None, that’s what! If you want to play amateur bartender and mix your buds some drinks, then a wet bar shouldn’t be that hard to install; just connect the sink to a plumbing coming from the house or even the sprinkler system, and you’re in like Flynn. And yes, a dry bar should also make sense because… well, it’s tradition! You’ve got to at least put a (literally) dry place somewhere in the pool area where a tired body can drink in peace… or have some fun, it’s your pick. - Mini-kitchen
A closed grill situated between the main kitchen and the pool makes too much sense at this point that it’s almost clichéd. Want something different? Then try bringing some portable electric appliances. For one, an electric range and oven can be used in lieu of a traditional, “gas-powered” one. Of course, you also have to make sure that the appliances are plugged into the sockets that area relatively away from any body of water. The more you know…
There are more things that you can put or construct inside your pool pavilion. But if you find yourself starved for grand schemes and designs, then you can just call on the next best thing—FS Landscaping Contractors. Or if you want a pre-fabricated pool house or pavilion kit then you can contact us at Froehlich’s Farm & Garden and we can design and build a pre-fabbed unit for you.
There are more than a couple of factors to consider prior to building pool houses and pavilions. For one, you’ve got to get that ever-elusive permit to have one constructed in your property. And you’ve also got to figure whether you need the help in finishing the job… and most likely, you may need it.
Hence, you can just go ahead and have someone bid for their services for you. Better yet, ask anyone from your trusted friends or acquaintances if they know anyone who they can refer to you, since that always seems to work out fine.
Start the planning process early. Take a look at your surroundings in the springtime and arrange your budget. Map of the area where the pavilion or pool will be located. Call your contractor for a good heart-to-heart talk regarding your plans and get designs and estimates laid out. The most experienced designers and contractors know exactly how to make the most of your resources to get the best for your money. Remember that there’s no need to rush into building a pool pavilion just because summer is just around the corner. Carefully outline your plan and connect with the right people to help you achieve your goals. Once you’ve established your structure and all the installations are completed you will find that your dreams of pool houses and pavilions could come true.