
3143 York Rd. Furlong, PA 18925.

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PA (215) 491-1116

Landscaping – Deer Proofing

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Landscaping – Deer Proofing

Do you have a problem with deer eating your plants in the winter?

Well we have the answer. Protect your investment with Liquid Fence which can be typically sprayed onto a particular tree or shrub that is under attack and protect the plant from being mowed down by deer. Liquid Fence Deer Repellent is environmentally safe for pets and children. It will  not harm the deer either. It comes in an easy to use spray bottle for do-it-yourselfers and in a concentrate for the professionals.

Here at FS Landscaping Contractors we offer this service to help you with protecting your plants from deer and other winter elements. For you do-it-yourselfers you can stop by our Garden Center to pick up a bottle of RTU Liquid Fence today. www.froehlichsfarm.com

Contact FS Today!

For over 25 years, we have designed and built some of the most envied backyards in our region. Fill out the form below to schedule your appointment with our design team today. We look forward to working with you!

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